There are a lot of things that make your lawn green. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some tips to make your grass look green and healthy.

In order to get a good looking, healthy lawn, there’s more to it than just putting down seed or sod and watering it every day. Here are five tips for how to keep your lawn green without having to do much work at all.

1. Feeding

Feed the soil with compost or mulch; it’s going to make a huge difference! It may be sickly-looking now, but just feed it and give it plenty of water and you should start to see improvement in how to green your lawn is.

2. Regular mowing

A regular mow will also help green up your grass is. Mow it regularly (twice per week) during Spring and Summer, and not too short – no lower then 20mm in height should be fine. As the grass grows taller than this, give it a trim.

3. Weed Control

Weed control is also important. One of the quickest ways to kill off your lawn is by allowing weeds to grow. Weeds shade out other, greener plants and they take nutrients from those plants that could otherwise be used for growth, making it difficult for them to survive. Pull out weeds in the lawn as you spot them.

4. Water your lawn

Water your lawn is a must for keeping it looking green. Don’t over-water it, but make sure the soil is moist, not soaking wet or dry. If you water once per week (and it doesn’t rain), that should be fine.

5. Aerate your lawn

It’s also important to remove thatch from your lawn. Thatch is the layer of grass and roots just below the surface. It helps protect plants with its insulation effect, but it also prevents water and nutrients from getting down into the soil, making it difficult for them to grow well. You can use a garden rake or a powered aerator.

And lastly…

Be patient! It can take six months to a year for new grass to become established and begin growing.


The five tips above are how to make your lawn look green and healthy without spending too much time. If you’re not sure how to get started, try one of these methods for how to make a lawn greener right away! Of course, the sooner you start working on it, the more likely you’ll be able to see results in a short amount of time. Which tip did you find most helpful? Let us know what we can help with next! Our team is ready and waiting for how to get green lawn projects like this one.